*** - The kid who slobbers all over the slutty chick in the “Transformers” movies and some broad I’ve never seen before co-star in this mostly entertaining action film that takes conspiracy theories about as far as they can probably be taken. The two leads are strangers who are thrown together into what seems to be an extraordinarily well-hatched and elaborate terrorist plot after receiving a series of anonymous phone calls that order them to carry out certain tasks. Shots are fired, things explode, cars are commandeered, one guy gets electrocuted by a high-tension power line, and loads of electronic stuff is controlled by an unknown entity that appears to have some sort of beef with the government. I’m sure all of that sounds odd, but in the end it sort of makes sense, even though the majority of the plot and action is completely implausible. One thing that detracts from this movie is that there are about four lengthy chase sequences that are extremely dull. There are two almost interminable car chases, a chase on foot, and a chase through an airline’s luggage conveyor system. Now, I know a lot of people out there enjoy a well-made chase sequence and think it is the height of entertainment, but you are all very wrong. They are bad and should be abolished. Sorry you had to hear it from me first.
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