***1/2 – It seems to me that all these super-ultra-mega-hyper governmental conspiracy movies are way off base on their expectations of what is actually able to be accomplished by said organization. Speaking as a federal employee with firsthand knowledge, I can say with some certainty that there is so much wasted time, so many uncooperative bureaucrats, and such a lack of motivated staff that the stuff that is presented in these movies is wholly impossible. If one is to fully appreciate a film like “Enemy of the State”, however, it is necessary to leave all that aside and believe the worst; that big brother is indeed capable of - and at least somewhat interested in - watching you. If you, like me, are at least marginally able to do that than you will probably find some enjoyment in this movie, despite the unexpectedly misplaced shootout at the end and the occasional technical gaffe (such as the ability of satellites to zoom in on a moving human by being given coordinates only down to arc minutes – which would actually yield an area somewhat larger than one square mile). It’s actually a pretty entertaining lark with solid acting, some decent action and plot devices, and a lot of jobs thrown to nerdy comedy-based character actors like Seth Green, Jason Lee, Jack Black and Jamie Kennedy, which is always a plus in my book.
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