** - I am at a bit of a loss as to how to categorize this film exactly. I guess you could call it an action movie, or perhaps a historical drama. It might fall into the genre of war movies, although this doesn’t take place during an actual declared war per se. I think the best way to describe it would be to call it an adventure movie. It’s one of those films where guys are running around in the woods and mountains fighting people as they go with swords and daggers and axes as they are being chased by an evil band of savages. Kind of like the LOTR movies when Sam and Frodo are going to Mordor, but less gay. It takes place in Roman Britain during the 2nd century when the empire was at its zenith and the legions were fighting to maintain and/or expand their frontier into modern day Scotland. Specifically, the infamous 9th Legion is featured, and after they are shredded by the Picts, a small band of survivors have to fight their way back to a garrison in order to go home. It’s full of extremely gory violence, lots of running, some yelling and grunting, and all the other stuff one might expect from this type of flick. I didn’t find it particularly fun to watch, but it might be worth seeing if you like watching people get hacked to death with dull swords.
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