** - I can’t imagine that the tourism board of Argentina is terribly happy with the way its native dwellers were portrayed in this 2010 film starring two skinny broads and the guy who played Éomer in the LOTR films. The basic plot is that a pair of scantily clad American girls (in their early twenties, I would guess; their prime “zoom the camera in on her ass” age) are bicycling through Argentina when they come upon a town inhabited solely by boorish rapists, sneaky murderers and snobby women who won’t even talk to you. That is the filmmaker’s portrayal of Argentina: corrupt cops, loutish brutes in bars, and servile women who just kind of stand around waiting to be ordered to do something by a man. In any event, the girls are unsurprisingly headed for trouble as one is kidnapped by an unknown assailant and the other one goes on what feels like a decade-long search for her, but was apparently actually only like 4 or 5 hours. It is quite obvious from the time they step foot in this cursed little town that things are going to end badly and it is also clear who the bad guys are (here’s a hint: it’s everybody). Anyway, the scenery is kind of nice, and if you enjoy staring at women in bikinis lying in the sun (which I must say, was probably the highlight of the movie) then you might get something out of this. Otherwise, I can’t recommend bothering with it.