** - I don’t consider myself someone who has a bias against movies or TV series that have a less than average sized budget. I love the shows ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’ and ‘Red Dwarf’ both of which are pretty low budget, and even movies like what one might see on SyFy aren’t necessarily considered bad by me, despite their lack of any sort of visual extravagance. However, I think what occasionally makes the above-mentioned media enjoyable to me is the quality of the dialogue and/or plot. Having those attributes is absolutely essential to making a less than stellar visual experience palatable. This movie – which I assume was made for TV or video, although I have no evidence of that – has the low budget look of a made-for-SyFy film but doesn’t counter that with an interesting story. It has the feel of the movie “Children of Men” without the interesting plot, characters and visuals. The biggest star in this is the guy who played the blond guy whose teeth end up in a piece of flannel shirt in “The Blair Witch Project” and it also lifts all of its plot elements from earlier and better films. In addition, this post-apocalyptic movie seems to have been filmed largely in an abandoned warehouse and a marginally scenic rocky forest, which certainly detracts from any potential gratification. I can’t imagine that there is anything here that would interest anyone but the hardcore sci-fi fan, and even that supposition is somewhat tenuous.
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