** - The French aren’t really known for their sci-fi media. Easily surrendering, copious amounts of body hair, poor hygiene, and a predilection for oral sex? Yes. Science fiction films or books? No. After watching this 2004 French-made CGI-heavy futuristic political drama, it is not hard to see why. It wasn’t very good. Like most things that are French, it made little to no sense and tried to be all artsy without presenting much of a story or anything of any substance. The basic premise is that it is the year 2095, and in a somewhat unreasonably technologically advanced New York City the Gods of Ancient Egypt descend to try to put some sort of vague plan into action. This plan apparently involves the bird-faced god Horus taking over the body of a German guy and attempting to impregnate a blue-lipped woman with weird matted hair that looks like paper after you accidentally run it through both the washer and dryer. There is a really bizarre mix of CG and live action humans, and almost entirely rendered backgrounds that lend this film a rather unrealistic flavor. The backgrounds looked nice, and would be neat to have hanging in a frame in one’s apartment, but it just doesn’t feel right in a movie. It was also dubbed, and I couldn’t really tell what the hell was going on, so that didn’t help either.
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