** - The first question that occurred to me while watching this movie was “do 25-year old women really stay in touch with their youth piano teachers so closely that they go to their funerals 15 years after their lessons come to an end?” Maybe that’s not what I should have taken away from watching this 2009 supernatural thriller starring Liam Neeson and Christina Ricci, but I use that as an example of many little goofy things about the film that all gathered together results in a two star rating. Besides all the little piddling concerns that I had along the way, this movie had its share of large faults as well. The main one of these faults would be that it seems to absolutely revel in ambiguity. Every time there is a plot important scene, decision or event the filmmakers decided to edit it in a way that there is no way to tell what really happened. I assume this was done in order to try to maintain a mystery as to what is going on. It doesn’t work. The viewer should quite easily fall onto one of two sides: either (a) Liam Neeson is a psycho who is involved in a massive conspiracy with half the town to bury people alive, or (b) he talks to dead people. It’s pretty lame, really. In fact, now that I think about it, two stars seem awfully generous. The only upshot of this film is that Ricci spends roughly half the film naked, but I don’t find her particularly attractive, so I’m not sure why that would earn it extra points. Oh well, I guess it’s too late to lower my score now.
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