***1/2 - This surprisingly good low-budget sci-fi mystery/thriller stars Jonathan Silverman (best known for being out-acted by both Andrew McCarthy and a corpse in the 1989 necrophilia-based comedy “Weekend at Bernie’s”) as a guy who is caught in a time loop in which he repeats the same day over and over, a la “Groundhog Day” but with less of a comedic aspect (although there are some funny parts tossed in). Director Jack Sholder (who?) actually does a decent job keeping this interesting, despite the fact that just about every other film he has directed (according to Wikipedia) has been a crummy sequel to a marginally successful horror movie. There aren’t any flamboyant effects to keep little kiddies’ attention, and the story takes some intelligence to follow, but it is certainly worth giving a try, although the presence of comic relief character Howard - played by Jeremy “Spawn of Beelzebub” Piven - is fairly hard to take. On the bright side, he is shot in the back and killed in one the repeated days (unfortunately, I don’t think it was the one that ended the time loop phenomenon). Anyway, I would recommend watching this over pretty much any other Jonathan Silverman or Jeremy Piven film.
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