** - I would like to start by describing one particular scene from this movie that pretty much sums up my opinion. A bunch of villagers set a trap to catch the Wolfman that consists of a deer tied to a stake and some trap doors surrounding it. The Wolfman falls for the rather obvious trick and goes tumbling down one of the trap doors that are connected by a series of underground tunnels. One of the stupider villagers immediately flails wildly and runs toward the scene, subsequently falling through another trap door, and is murdered by the Wolfman. The Wolfman then proceeds to (unbelievably) leap out of the hole and slaughter the rest of the hunting party (apparently just for fun, as there is no eating going on here). It was so obvious beforehand that this was going to happen that it was infuriating. This whole movie is pretty much like that. You could guess what is about to happen two or three steps ahead. Now, I realize that this is a remake of the 1940’s version but that is, to me, no excuse. If everyone in the ensuing 70 years has seen all this ad nauseum, then some new stuff should have been added. The big werewolf battle at the end was pretty anticlimactic, too. I’m still not sure why Anthony Hopkins burst into flames so easily. Do werewolves secrete gasoline instead of sweat? Maybe they’ll answer that question in the next “Twilight” movie.
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