** - Everybody these days is always yammering about their “rights.” All these governments and religions are going around assigning different people different numbers of different rights based on arbitrary superstitions and current fads in ideology. I call bullshit on that. I come from the George Carlin school of rights (from whom I stole most of the wording of the first two sentences of this review), in that I think there are really only two options; either everyone has the right to everything, or no one has the right to anything. This movie seems to go in a third direction, positing that the only people with rights are the people with the power (i.e. guns, money, belief in the correct invisible man in the sky, and torture implements) and that if you are a wishy-washy liberal who tries to be nice to people then the terrorists will win. It’s kind of a Republican fantasy, like the show “24”. Starring Sam Jackson and Trinity from the “Matrix” movies, “Unthinkable” (not to be confused with another - much better - Sam Jackson movie, “Unbreakable”) was not released in theaters for some reason, despite its fairly significant star power and plot that touches on things that a lot of people would probably get into. While its message is reprehensible, it’s kind of entertaining and most of the performances (with the notable exception of the ultra-wooden Trinity) are pretty good. The graphic torture scenes were a little much, though.
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