***1/2 – Making a movie that relies almost entirely on the pratfalls and squeaking noises of a sad little garbage can robot is a risky move. George Lucas did it successfully with R2-D2, but then again, he added his gay robot lover C3PO to play off of, as well as a huge cast of humans, aliens, Jedis, banthas, other assorted beasts, light sabers and laser weapons to flesh out the story. The main character of the Pixar film “WALL-E” isn’t quite so lucky, in that his only companions for over half of the film are a cockroach and a grumpy teardrop-shaped robot that looks kind of like that one robot that Professor Farnsworth got to replace Bender in that one episode of “Futurama”. I’ll just say that Pixar is dang lucky that I have a soft spot for robots and spaceships and futuristic landscapes because if “WALL-E” didn’t feature all of that in droves I probably wouldn’t think all that highly of it. The story (such as it is) is preachy, strange and a little overly simplistic, and there are a fairly large number of dull stretches. The film visually astonishes, though, which certainly helps make it watchable, and it probably would have made it a spectacular experience to see it in the theatre.
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