** - I have to start out by saying that the first “Crank” movie was never really screaming for a sequel, in my opinion. It was kind of decent to watch if you’ve had a few drinks and feel like killing 90 minutes, but having a second one seems pretty unnecessary. So, in a way, I suppose this second film in the “Crank” series is fortunate that when attempting to follow up on a movie with no particular story there is considerably less pressure to have any sort of continuity or connection, or even any particular purpose. After quite clearly dying at the end of the first film, Jason Statham is miraculously back as Chev Chelios in this follow-up to the 2006 original that is probably even faster, dumber, louder, more kinetic and brutally violent than the first. Beyond those factors, this one goes for a lot of really vicious and borderline offensive toilet humor that really falls flat for me, and I imagine would also fall flat for anyone over the age of 15 or 16 who has anything other than a black, black heart of coal. But criticizing a movie like this due to its juvenile humor, extreme violence and exceedingly quick edits is kind of like despising Kid Rock or someone similar for being a shitty musician, in that they really aren’t aimed toward my kind of audience, probably aren’t really causing anyone any harm, and give the lesser plebes something to do besides drink warm Schlitz and beat up their families. What I’m saying is that people who liked the first one will like this one, and people who didn’t like the first won’t be won over by it.
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