*1/2 - In the end, this micro-budgeted 2006 sci-fi action flick seems to have been nothing more than a 100-minute excuse to showcase a series of poorly edited martial arts-based fighting sequences. I watched the little making-of featurette that was on the DVD along with this movie and saw that the ragtag crew of Englishmen responsible for “Displaced” seemed to have genuinely decent intentions in trying to get their rather ambitious story turned into an actual film over a six year period, so I find it somewhat difficult to be too hard on it. However, low budget or not, the plot that was presented and seemed so promising while watching the special feature was not even remotely what I got out of this film which wound up being a randomized jumble of choppy and nonsensical fight scenes. I’ll be completely honest here and say that I’m pretty sure I dozed off a couple of times while watching this and that fact may have added to my confusion. However, seeing as I had no particular outside reason to be tired while watching this, I blame my temporary narcolepsy on the movie as opposed to other factors, which certainly backs up my argument that this was indeed a boring movie. The acting was atrocious, the camerawork was confusing and lacked any real artistry, the story was barely even touched on making it unnecessarily confusing, and the vast majority of the movie took place in a pair of abandoned warehouses. Anyway, it has a ton of faults and nothing really going for it except the earnestness of the film makers and the very tiny tip of the iceberg of a decent idea. Otherwise, it’s pretty worthless.
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