** - This mildly amusing send-up of sci-fi (specifically “Star Wars”) nerdism is hard to bash too badly since its subject is one for which I have a great deal of fondness. However, this isn’t really all that funny. Most of the parts that were actually humorous were the fairly frequent “Star Wars” quotes and references that were sprinkled in throughout. Besides that, the attempts at laughs were mostly broad sight gags, lowbrow dick and fart jokes, and/or unapologetic pandering to the audience. The numerous cameos by everyone from Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes to Carrie Fisher and Billie Dee Williams to Bill Shatner and at least three roles for the rarely funny Seth Rogen fell pretty flat. This movie portrays “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” fans as having a bitter and sometimes violent hatred of each other that burns brighter than a thousand suns. Does this form of geekworld infighting really exist? I sure hope not. I, for one, love both Wars and Trek (although I can’t say I’m too fond of the original Trek series) and find it somewhat sad that this type of caustic dislike may exist, or even be prevalent. I don’t think wise old Yoda or equally wise somewhat younger Guinan would approve of such behavior. I went all that way to end with a Whoopi Goldberg reference? It’s a shame.
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