*1/2 - While I seem to have made a number of wise decisions lately (such as braving the outside world by going to see “Inception” in the theatre, and purchasing the outstanding new Arcade Fire album), I unfortunately cannot include the adding of this 2009 Will Ferrell ‘comedy’ to my Netflix queue as one of my better ones. This modern tongue-in-cheek update of the kitschy 70s TV show that is a favorite amongst children and potheads is largely bereft of humor and has very little to offer the discerning viewer. As funny as Will Ferrell was when he was doing George Bush impressions or loudly playing a cowbell on SNL, it has not seemed to translate into full-length features, as I have yet to see one starring him that I’ve enjoyed more than fleetingly. Other than one scene near the beginning where Ferrell’s character is zinged by Matt Lauer in a faux “Today Show” interview, the laughs are few and far between. The plot (such as it is) makes no sense and just about every attempt at humor is a lame joke or even lamer sight gag. I guess this movie proves that you can only stomach so many dinosaur urine jokes before they start to get a little stale.
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