**** - Unlike the similarly themed “Food, Inc.”, this documentary - which follows two Bostonians who decide to grow an acre of corn in Iowa and follow the process of what happens to it from start to finish - was less about getting people riled up over ‘the system’ and more about informing accurately. As a federal employee working for an agricultural agency, I found this movie pretty fascinating. I deal with farmers all the time, and speak with them at length about what they do and how they operate. However, New Jersey is a very small state with a very small sector of its population employed in agricultural fields. This documentary provides a new perspective about what a Midwestern farmer goes through in order to make a living. Whether or not one has a vested interest in agriculture, I think if you have at least some respect for how the world is supplied with sustenance you will discover a great deal about how things work and why things are the way they are from this film. On a personal level, they briefly show the Iowa version of the agency I work for in this. That was pretty neat, although I must say that it is not necessarily indicative of how things are in my particular office.
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