* - The exceedingly lame and clumsy wordplay in the title of this 2008 low budget sci-fi horror flick should have been an indicator that it was going to sting. And sting it did. While I can’t think of a single thing about this movie that deserves any praise whatsoever, the one area that stood out from the crowd to me as being so horrible it was almost beyond words was the acting. I think I kind of recognized a few faces (such as the guy who played the kid who took a shitload of ecstasy and almost died in “Go”), so I guess at least some of the cast has some experience, but the overall level of quality of the acting was so poor that it would make a first-time performer in a lead role of a high school production of “Romeo & Juliet” who didn’t bother to memorize his lines or rehearse at all and only got the part because his mother is the drama teacher at the school seem Oscar-worthy. But the embarrassing nature of this so-called film doesn’t end there. It tries to pass off a chunky girl of indeterminate ethnic origin as some sort of irresistible love goddess, features a trio of some of the most offensive Latino gangbanger stereotypes this side of the “Friday” movies, and has as one of the main antagonists a British-accented junkie who looks like a cross between Keith Richards and a strung-out punk-rocker circa 1979. I could go on and on with this movie’s problems, but I’ll keep it short and say that this is not worth bothering with except for a few moments of unintentional humor.
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