*** - I am going to come right out of the box here and admit that the 2004 Swedish film “Let the Right One In” which this 2010 film is a remake of (technically not a remake, but both based on the same book) left very little impression on me. I think I gave it two stars and my biggest beefs were the extreme slowness and dreary quality that it had. In general, when an American group remakes a foreign film, they tend to ramp up the action and remove the subtle qualities that (sometimes) make a film work. This isn’t really the case here. From what I can remember of the 2004 original it seems like this version is very similar, with only minor plot alterations. It does up the pacing a little bit, which is something that was direly needed, but that is not why I am giving this a whole star higher in my rating. One thing I started to recall while which this version was how difficult a time I had fully following what was going on in “Let the Right One In”. What made me remember that was that I actually could follow the very coherent narrative that this version had, which is the main reason why I prefer this one. Maybe it has to do with a language barrier or maybe it is something else, but whatever the reason this was easier to follow than the first. Plus, the score is outstanding. Overall, this is a pretty decent film, but I still think trying to pass it off as a horror film is radical misrepresentation.
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