**1/2 – I’ve never really been all that enamored with the survival/horror genre of video games. I think I played the first “Resident Evil” game when it came out on the original Playstation, but I don’t recall ever having a go with any of the numerous follow-up games that have been released with some frequency since then. I tend to find the genre as a whole to be a bit dull and lacking in any sort of progression that might keep it entertaining. This 2010 film is the third in the series based on the characters and plots of the inexplicably popular video game series. I have seen the first two, and although I remember very little about them, I seem to recall them being at least fairly enjoyable and pretty action-packed. This one is no different. The first and last acts of the movie are full to the brim with gun fights, swordplay, screaming zombies and mutants, airplane crashes, explosions, and slow motion effects that one assumes are meant to balance the fast-paced action. However, there is a considerable lull in the middle where the focus is on the story; and not remembering much about the previous films – and knowing next to nothing about the plots of the games – probably hurt me a bit in understanding what the heck was happening in this section. In any event, it’s not a bad way to kill an hour and half, but one certainly should not expect to be challenged or mentally engaged in any way.
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